Monday, March 2, 2009

Health Update

I just had a mammogram and they found a lump in my breast.

Luckily, it turned out to be my belt buckle.

(This should actually be titlled "Old Joke #9," but that would have given it away. Anyway, of course I have a lump. There's a BB in there!)


  1. OK you had me for a moment.

  2. I still think there is time to get on the Tonight show with Jay Leno.

  3. For second my heart skipped a beat.

    Happy monday.

  4. What a definitive visual image there... hanging' low!

  5. Call Buffalo Dick (amateur) breast expert), for a second examination, if required. Bring this ad for a 30% savings!

  6. Don't remind of that story! I'm still fuming with those guys..

  7. That's almost as bad as when my mother who was 49 at the time, came home from her annual GYN visit and told us she was pregnant. Ha Ha. April Fools, she said, later.

    Actually, since I am 46, unwed but in a serious realtionship with My Man, I may use that this April Fools Day. It may send everyone over the edge.

  8. I think your idea of posting 3 x per week is a great one and I shall be following your lead once I return to work in a few weeks... You do feel bad not catching up with others' blogs so, don't you, really as if you're missing out! x

  9. Oh my goodness! I'd never heard that one before. You got us good!

  10. Hahaha! And yet, I still can't believe you used to JOG!

  11. Yep you had me too, and then I remembered the BB post!

    Are you this funny in person?

  12. You need to warn us! I was worried about you for the second it took me to keep reading.

  13. Oh Jeanne, my heart was in my mouth for a second there. REminds me of an ad on radio advertisng bras - so your boobs hang low, can you move them to and fro, throw them over your shoulders etc etc. It turns me off the particular store I tell you. He he!!

  14. Had me going for a minute there! Glad to hear all is well.

  15. You had me going for a moment! LOL!

  16. a BB is just a step above a clogged milk duct expressing itself during a biopsy.


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