Sunday, December 11, 2011

Raisin Rules: Facebook Rule #2

As with the rest of life, you can't just "Like" everything on Facebook.

Some discrimination is called for.

The other day, I saw a post saying a woman's grandfather had died and someone, I kid you not, had clicked Like.

A couple of posts later, I read where a ton of granite fell on a man's son, severely injuring him, and there it was again: Like.


If you're not sure what to say when something bad happens, "I'm sorry to hear that," or "My thoughts are with you," work just fine.

And if you can't drum up the energy to press that many keys, just keep on scrolling.


  1. I try, and that does say try to not click like when I see post like that, but I know it happens. Like when people say on your blog- That looks great have a nice day, and they only look at the photo!

    Got your card, Thanks!

  2. I try, and that does say try to not click like when I see post like that, but I know it happens. Like when people say on your blog- That looks great have a nice day, and they only look at the photo!

    Got your card, Thanks!

  3. I like the post....but I don't know if I should or not!

  4. I agree...use of the "like" button is out of control.

  5. And quite often I want a 'Dislike!' button... :)


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