Monday, December 27, 2010

Fashion Makes the Man

Last weekend Kylie was busily coloring when Old Dog came through the kitchen. She looked him over thoughtfully.

"Grandpa, why do you always wear the same clothes?"

He doesn't really.

It just looks that way to the untrained eye.


  1. Now that was a mantra my old English master was always trotting out. You've taken me back to a time when fashion had to do with school uniforms. Thank you!

  2. If he had Kylie fooled he'd have had me fooled too. I'm like that.

    Happy holiday, Boonie

  3. How cute! I guess when kid's clothes are so bright and colored and ours are mostly so ordinary, it does appear that way.

  4. That is great. His closet reminds me of the scene in the last action hero when Arnold goes to change clothes and he has about 20 versions of the exact same outfit in his wardrobe.

  5. Wow. That's a well organized closet. Very impressive (the blending effect of the shirts made me laugh).

  6. I guess I'm a visual person, I'm hung up on the tidy closet. Please tell me there is a man on earth who keeps his things that tidy!!

  7. I wish women had to dress like we men do. Talbots would dry up, Kohls would shrink, and eventually I would be very wealthy. K would look at me in the morning and say, "Does this tie look too old fashioned?"

  8. Looks like my closet, except it is all jeans, sweats, and T-shirts here. ;^)

  9. Well I don't know about that but I have never seen a closet so organized..he must be one in a million..:)

  10. I suspect many people may think I have only two tops: the "bright pink" and the "bright purple". As it happens, I simply have many that fit those descriptions... ;)

  11. At least he has good taste. Couldn't imagine if it was all sports team jersey's, or sweatshirts.

  12. A cute observation...hubby's clothes seem to stream together to my eyes at times...btw, pudding recipe is being made again with a twist and will post it this coming week...cross my heart and hope...well, no 'over my dead body' promises! :)


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