Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Web Wednesday/My Little Town: Play

This video, shot right here in My Little Town, was filmed completely on an iPhone.


  1. It's not clear to me how he gets the little black stools from place to place on his bike ;)

  2. I LOVED that. And I adore Scabble.

  3. Not bad for an iPhone!
    I was so distracted by looking for where he was carrying everything else but the table, that I missed half of the song... (there is no way he could fit all of the Scrabble letters in his pocket AND cycle comfortably, surely?)

  4. Cute video. As for the black boxes, clearly he's stashed them in the different locations before hand.
    Just read through your last few posts, and I see that your humor is holding up inspite of cheap drugs at the clinic.
    Happy Turkey Day!

  5. The first girl he plays has nice legs.

    That is my critical contribution to all of this, I hope it helps these young movie makers.

  6. Yes they are stashed at each location, part of the meaning, and purpose...

    I like the song, and hey I am all for the arts, even if you do it on the IPhone!

    Happy Thanksgiving girl!

  7. Cute town!
    The guy's not bad, either.

  8. Those crazy iphones...what will they think of next?

  9. I love videos like this, which give a little tour around a place. Must be a strange feeling to recognize everything as it goes past at bicycle speed.

  10. Some good editing there. Fun to watch. Your little town reminds me of my little town.


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