Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm Baaaack!

National Novel Writing Month officially ends today, which means my self-imposed exile from Blogland is over. I've really missed you guys, and I'm planning to spend the week trekking through my entire list of Followers and catching up with each and every one of you. (Thank God I'm not Vodka Mom, or I'd have to give up sleeping.) Despite my neglect, a lot of you continued to visit, and to comment. Thank you so much for your support!

NaNoWriMo Results: As of Sunday at 8 p.m., I had added 13,835 words to my novel, bringing it to a total of 31,075. By NaNo reckoning, which aims for 50,000 in 30 days, that's inglorious defeat.

On the other hand, it's probably 11,000 more than I'd have written if I hadn't decided to try NaNo.

I have a friend who started making (and selling) wine last year. You're supposed to make it well ahead of time, so it can age a while before you deliver it. (I'm not a wine drinker, can you tell?) Unfortunately, she got busy with her real job and fell behind in her wine-making and all of a sudden she had Christmas orders due and no wine. The good news is, there's some potion you can add to wine to hurry it along, so she was able to deliver as promised.

This is what I learned from attempting NaNo this year: there is no such potion for my fiction-writing. The stuff I already had worked out in my head I was able to commit to paper because I was spending more time at the keyboard. But the things I hadn't figured out yet didn't materialize just because my butt was in the chair.

So now my novel returns to its usual back burner, to simmer until I'm ready to add more to it.

See you around the Blogosphere!


  1. Glad you're back on a regular basis. However, I must say that writing over 30k words is not bad in my opinion.

  2. If I would you I'd drink lots of that speedtracked wine, and maybe the words will flow? ;)

  3. Well, you did more than you might've done otherwise, so that's a win in my book. It sounds like you need to work out what happens next (I hate when that happens).

    I was going to see if there was any one post of mine over the last month that I particularly recommend for catching-up purposes, but I have an extremely unhealthy risotto recipe, a woodpecker in my garden, and some quirky British architecture... what's to choose between them?! My NaNo writeup is scheduled for the 2nd.

  4. Welcome back, and that is really some great progress on your novel!

  5. I'm impressed. I don't even want to THINK about trying to write a novel. I can't even commit to blogging once a week...

    I'm not a wine drinker, either.

  6. I'm happpy with my 14,00 words this month of nano. Definately more than I would have written had I not joined. Now my goalis 10,00 a month so my summer I can start revising.

    Welcome back!

  7. Welcome back, and congrats on a great month of writing!

  8. Sounds like a victory to me! Congrats. I will join you one of these years...after I get these munchkins I live with in school.

  9. I am glad your back! Now are you ready to get to work and help me :)

    I am not a big wine drinker, I nurse it and beer until they get warm...I like scotch...I think in a former life I was a madame of a brothel, and oh that could be a story...

  10. welcome back! I took a week off for the Thanksgiving and miss everyone.

    You were a success! I might just try it next year.

    much love

  11. Congratulations on the big step forward. Welcome back.

  12. Glad you are back..although I knew you were leaving us on the back burner for a reason! Congrats on the word count, it is an accomplishment! :)

  13. Welcome back! I've missed you.

    Glad you made progress even if you didn't quite make your word count.

  14. personally, I pretty impressed with what you did accomplish. I chose the wussy way out and did the 30 days of blog posting. I might just try the novel part next time. I'm very proud of you.

  15. wow! That's amazing! Why not just finish it since you got off to such a great start?!
    And, happy to have you back!

  16. Glad you are back. When am I coming back and where have I been? I think I have been on a long rollercoaster ride. Oh wait, I am still on it! I hope to get off soon. I am getting that blogging feeling....


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