Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Web Wednesday: Awkward Family Photos

Hoodchick over at My Life Requires Alcohol sent me this Powerpoint show. It should more accurately be titled, "Fucked Up Family Photos."

Which one is the most truly twisted?

I'll let you be judge.

Awkward Family Photos - Slide Show


  1. lol lol lol but I feel bad laughing at all these nice families..oh well.

  2. I love the one with the baby flipping the bird - classic.

    Also the big hair family is a favorite. They must go through a lot of hair spray.

  3. LOL. Those sweaters are like an optical illusion!

  4. I honestly can't pick just one.

  5. I have seen this and just love it, especially the last photo with whatever is on the right.

  6. I'm feeling lucky. Very lucky. But also I am feeling very, very afraid....

  7. Only could get the first photo, always wondered who bought Wonder bread..

  8. DA-AMN!! I know everyone goes through that 'ugly stage', but heavenly holy bajeezus! I can't decide which one is the worst, but that naked suit family is right up there!

    Thanks for putting the kick in an otherwise slow afternoon!

  9. I've seen those before but loved having my memory refreshed - and another chance to chuckle!! All so funny!

  10. Loved them all! My kids would say that some of ours are almost that bad. And I had never seen them before, so thanks.

  11. Hubby's youngest brother takes those kinds of photos...everyone wearing the same damn shirts, but hey they have to listen to it when the kids grow up, no me, LOL!

  12. There is no way I can pick just one photo. All were pretty disgusting. Thanks for the laugh.

  13. There are so many to erase from memory, but I also just don't get the laundromat one. That one is puzzling.


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