Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Little Town: Good Fences

Seen on our morning walk a few weeks ago:

Not sure if it's readily apparent at this angle, but the owners of this 6-foot privacy fence added another 18 inches of (non-matching) lattice work to the top.

How much do you have to dislike your neighbors to do that?

Next, this one:

Can anyone say, "Redneck Privacy Fence"?


  1. No fence here, except for a very short one at the back between our yard and open space. I like having the yards open...trees and bushes
    provide some privacy, though I don't do many "private" things in the back yard.

  2. God, I hope a Jaycee Dugard situation isn't in the works behind those "guard rails."

  3. next tarps! LOL! Yeah it's pretty trashy!

    Fear of neighbors keep me from buying...just kidding! (kind of)

  4. That is hilarious. We went with tall, prickly bushes. What does that say about us?

  5. No fence here. . .And I even live next to my sister!

  6. I need to shop the white sales.

  7. Those are too funny! You should take more pictures of crazy fences.

    This post reminds me of the people that live next to my parent's house. They have a ginormous 7-foot wood plank fence so you can't see into their yard.

    If you saw their yard, you'd understand why. In addition to the inground swimming pool taking up 70% of their yard, there are two wood sheds, a back deck, a goldfish pond, a clotheline area and a riding lawnmover. (as if there's any grassy area left to mow!)

    My parents hate the fence, but I just tell them. "As long as that fence is there, your property value will not fall."

  8. Gotta love the chain mail. We just have a wooden fence around the whole yard. It works for us.

  9. Our neighborhood allows fences in back yards, but if in front- nope! One guy spent 1,500 bucks, only to be told by the township to take it down....

  10. Usually in such a discussion someone will quote Robert Frost: "Good fences make good neighbors."

    Most people don't seem to be aware that Frost's belief, as can be determined in the poem, is actually the opposite of that.

  11. We chose to live in the boondocks because we do not like neighbours!!

    Problem is, they found us and they brought their tall fences with them :(

  12. Interesting what people will do to gain some privacy.:)

  13. I don't care much for fences. I would rather just have some bushes or nothing connecting the lawns. I do understand letting dogs out but really the dog owners should be walking them. We used a long cable to hook up our dog and tried walking her often.

  14. The lovely Brigitte Butterfly was painted with Adirondack acrylic paint then inked and topped with Sitckles in aqua to give it more flight.privacy fence installation cost


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