Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Naked Man, Swedish-style

Don't worry if you don't understand Swedish -- very little of this relies on language!

This certainly takes the prize for "Most Imaginative Use of Flatbread."

Speaking of naked men, on Sunday, Chaka bared his soul: he desperately wants to get to 100 followers and is threatening blogicide (that is, killing his own blog) if he doesn't reach that point by the end of July. He's a funny guy, and well worth saving, so please do your part for Blogicide Prevention Week and go stalk him.


  1. Okay. That's talent! I don't care what language they speak! I'm going back to watch it again!

  2. Laughing out loud!! Hysterical!! Thanks for sharing, Jeanne! :)

  3. Hysterical! I have to go back and watch that again...thank you for sharing this!

  4. So...

    I'm speechless ( a feat in itself!).


  5. awesome! I'm going to rehearse that right now.

  6. I'll never look at a pita the same way again! Oh my word. Thank you for that.
    Now, off to visit Chaka.

  7. Oh dear, the thing that made me laugh is that the site of naked flesh makes people giggle no matter how old we are. The other thing that is hilarious is that its the Swedish version of Britains Got Talent - and so similar - even the comperes behind the curtains look similar and act the same as Ant and Dec in the UK.

  8. By far the best direction I had to a blog in a long time... OMGoodness I am still Laughing. That was hilarious. I would like to see them in the next round. Too Funny and Great share :-))

  9. Ummm...I am shocked, and cannot believe you posted this! not a laugh out of me!

    Thank goodness I see hubby tonight, and do not have to keep this on my mind today :)

  10. Where is Simon Cowell when you need him! These boys have pure talent( and um some other redeeming features!)

  11. That's it. I'm moving to Sweden.

    Because if there's one thing I love, it's flatbread.

    ;-D Anna

  12. cougars...

    what are ya gonna do with 'em?

  13. amazing talent!! And, tuff too!! ;)

  14. Very cute! Way better than Chippendales.

    I knew I loved Swedes!

  15. Wow - interesting choice of music and use of bread.

  16. Oh that's great. Of course, you probably get a completely different view from stage left!

  17. Now that's what I call television "exposure"!

  18. 'kay, that was scary. And I think I saw a little more hairy stuff than they intended. Or maybe they DID want us to see. Crazy foreigners.

  19. My 3-year-old daughter is shouting -- Again, again!!

  20. Funny, indeed!
    They are very good at what they do, but a bit too similar to each other in my taste

  21. Well if that doesn't make you smile, I don't know what would. Thanks for adding a little sunshine to my day ;)

  22. Saw your comment at lisleman and thought you might be are hillarious. Thank you.

    Do you know that raisins are good for the brain?

  23. Glad to hear everyone enjoyed naked men with crispbread! We watched it when it ran on Swedish TV and laughed until the tears ran down our eyes.

    Can you believe it? They didn't get into the finals, which were won by a wonderful magician called Charlie Caper.

  24. Hysterical. That would never make its way onto USA television! :-)))))

  25. Oh me oh my. I like how they kept accidentally (wink wink) losing their flat breads.

  26. Yes Jeanne it was always like that for all of us and still is.

    We are all very open and if we have a problem we were always taught to discuss the problem with the person and that it was fine to agree to disagree.

    So there was never a need to carry baggage.

    Thanks you for that wonderful comment, it really touched me Jeanne.

    Love Renee xoxo

  27. And all I have is an occasional stray Swedish fish. It isn't the same.


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