Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Story in Pictures

This is the switch that stays off.

This is the ceiling fan controlled by the switch that stays off.

This is the bucket that caught the water that cascaded through the ceiling fan controlled by the switch that stays off.

This is the tub that was being cleaned when the water cascaded onto the floor and through the ceiling into the bucket beneath the ceiling fan controlled by the switch that stays off.

This is the shower head that flipped upside down inside the tub, spraying water onto the floor that cascaded through the ceiling and into the bucket beneath the ceiling fan controlled by the switch that stays off.

This is the tub cleaner (with bleach!) that was being sprayed off the tub that was being cleaned upstairs when the shower head flipped upside down, spraying water that cascaded into the bucket beneath the ceiling fan controlled by the switch that stays off.

This is the sweater that got tub cleaner (with bleach!) on the sleeve, causing the wearer to toss the shower head into the tub so she could rinse out the sleeve in the sink and then carry the sweater into the bedroom to inspect it for damage, all the while the shower head was fire-hosing water onto the bathroom floor that cascaded through the ceiling fan and onto the hardwood floor (the bucket came later) so that the switch must stay off.

I am sure many of you will have useful suggestions for how such an event might have been avoided. Save them--Old Dog has this topic well-covered.


  1. Oh, my. What an adventure! I love the way you have described it. Your sense of humor seems intact, which is a good thing!

  2. Ooopsie!

    Glad you're seeing the humor in it. Is your husband?

  3. Hard to make a flood funny - very amuzing.

  4. Very funny in the telling.....I'm sure it was not quite as fun when it was all happening.

  5. Oh no! Did you at least avoid the bleach splatters?

  6. ...and they all lived together in the house that Jack built! :D

    Glad everything is okay now, including the sweater!

  7. Where's the cow with the crumpled horn?

  8. Love your story telling...we have a similar problem...sigh and the tale of the bucket that waits...

  9. Do you always dress up to clean? :)

  10. I would have to ask the same sure dress fancy for cleaning the shower. I too use bleach on the shower enclosure but hose it down BEFORE i get dressed. Then there's the kitchen tile. I clean the grout with a bleach jell and I have one t shirt I wear when i do it as I reach across to the backsplash and get bleach all over the edge of the shirt.


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